Wine Dinner @ SER Restaurant (Arlington, VA)

May 26, 2021 6:30 PM-10:30 PM
Location: SER Restaurant

We cordially invite you to join us for a special wine tasting dinner with Aurelio Cabestrero of Grapes of Spain and Arrowine and Cheese Shop on Wednesday, May 26th and Thursday, May 27th from 6:30 to 10:00 in the evening at SER Restaurant.

Tickets for May 26 are $99 per person, includes tax and gratuity

Tickets for May 27 are $99 per person, includes tax and gratuity

Guests will enjoy a five-course menu prepared by award winning Chefs David Sierra and David Cardona exclusively for this event. Each course will be paired with the wonderful wines of Grapes of Spain selected by owner, Aurelio Cabestrero. Throughout the dinner, Aurelio will explain the wines being served, the tale behind each wine, and while one wine might be sipped in nearly reverent contemplation, while another is enjoyed alongside the joyous ray of light and blossom of spring.

THE MENU AND WINE PAIRINGS (All wines served at the dinner will be available to purchase at special prices)

First Course
Ajo Blanco Malagueño con Uvas y Huevas de Salmón
Almond-Garlic soup with grapes and salmon roe
Mantel Blanco Verdejo 2020

Second Course
Crudo de Atún y Sandía con Tomate y Albahaca
Tuna tartare and watermelon with basil and tomato compote
Solarce Rosé 2020

Third Course
Salmón Gratinado con Holandesa, Ajetes Verdes y Naranjas
Torched salmon, hollandaise sauce, garlic scapes and oranges
Finca Luna Beberide 2018

Fourth Course
Pechuga de Pato a la Plancha, Salsa de Moras y Ensalada Fresca de Berros e Hinojo
Grilled duck breast, blackberry sauce, watercress and fennel salad
Viña Otano Reserva 2015

Fifth Course
Peras al Vino Tinto con Helado de Vainilla y Reducción de Pedro Ximenez
Pear in red wine sauce, vanilla ice cream and Pedro Ximenez reduction
Bertola Cream

See you there!

Due to COVID-19, all parties will be seated at separate tables for each purchased ticket group. All the tables will be social distanced. Weather permitting, seating will be outside on the beautiful terraza.
